Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Ed Allen for "The Whistle Car"
2nd-place winner:
Douglas Milliken for "A Means of Forgetting"
3rd-place winner:
Dana De Greff for "Storms"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Wilhemina Austin for "Best Foot Forward"
Christopher Bundy for "Some Time in New York City"
Kimberly Bunker for "Jacob & Isabel"
Ariel Courage for "The Mayflower Queen"
Timothy DeLizza for "The Second Time He Left Her"
Kate Doyle for "Then What"
Paola Ferrante for "The Underside of a Wing"
Mark Fishman for "Río Cusárare"
Tim Griffith for "Sanctuary"
Susan Hettinger for "In Our House"
Brady Jackson for "Knights of the Grand Piano"
Patrick Kelly for "Saving Clara"
Lin King for "Facts About Fluids and Other Wonders"
Adam Luebke for "Five Hundred and One"
Tristan Marajh for "The Lesser Man"
Greg Miller for "Girl With a Candle"
Nicole Olweean for "How to Accept the Lunar Landing"
Adam Rensch for "Do You Think That Makes You Special?"
Josh Rolnick for "Magnolia Knoll"
Amanda Rush for "East of Chiquita"
Margie Sarsfield for "Losing Horse"
Lancelot Schaubert for "Water Holes"