Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Mike Alberti for "Some People Let You Down"
Maximilian Ashkenazi for "Once Upon a Time in Warwick, NY"
Yu-Mei Balasingamchow for "A Good Wife"
Isabelle Barany for "Feeding Sol"
Rebecca Bernard for "In the Family"
Melanie Bishop for "Home for Wayward Girls"
A V Bruce for "The Sins of the Fathers"
Bergita Bugarija for "Summer of Bombs"
Gillian Burnes for "Road to Yokohama"
Fred Canada for "The Beetle"
David Carstens for "A Girl and Her Mother"
Lara Casey for "Omerinto and the Red Pebble"
Bon-Wai Chou for "Madame Leung-Kett"
Matthew Colangelo for "Interstate"
James Colgan for "The Scent of Coming Home"
Catherine Curan for "The Hopeful Story People Want to Hear"
Tricia Currans-Sheehan for "The Last Child"
Julie Diamond for "Ice"
Oguz Dinc for "The Notebooks"
Nathan Dixon for "The Grandeur"
Richard Dokey for "Please Call Again. I Want to Talk to You."
Toby Donovan for "The Department of Missed Connections"
Rodrigo Duran for "The Baby Goes with Me"
David Fitzpatrick for "Egg"
Corey Flintoff for "The Marchioness"
Alison Frost for "21st Century Mining Disasters"
Julie Galosy for "Kamel and Halil"
Cassandra Garbus for "Small Heart"
Jon Gingerich for "Thornhope, Indiana"
Michael Gold for "Raining Delusions"
Lisa Graley for "In the Deep December"
Christopher Green for "Mrs. Pirillo"
Anne Guidry for "Disrepair"
Susan Haar for "Grit"
Michael Hicks for "The Envelope"
Jeri Howitt for "The Landline is Broken"
Mahak Jain for "We Are Only Human"
Patti Jazanoski for "The Next Small Thing"
Nic Kanaar for "Tooth Fairy"
Jessica Kashiwabara for "A Toast to Our Ghosts; or, Dinner in a Small Restaurant in Los Angeles"
Sherwin Kaufman for "Brother and Sister"
Veronica Kavass for "The Non-Death of My Half-Sister"
Peter Kazon for "Unemployed"
Annie Kribs for "The Day We Died"
Jerome Lane for "Perestroika"
Renee Lehnen for "Debbie of the House of Wertzel"
Jon Logan-Rung for "Laughing and Crying the Whole Way Home"
Adam Luebke for "Little Chicken"
Niamh MacCabe for "Malachy"
Corinne Manning for "The Only Pain You Feel"
Clare Marash for "How's It Gonna Be"
Jim Moeller for "Life and Death on the Prairie"
Naima Msechu for "Electric Guests"
Kent Nelson for "The Sea Will Wear Down Gold"
Debra Nystrom for "Burning Ring of Fire"
Caitlin O'Neil for "The End of Days at Dave and Busters"
Lara Palmqvist for "Windfall"
Timothy Parrish for "Being Born Sure is Hard, Mom"
Brian Petkash for "Dispossessed"
Arthur Pike for "How to Detect Metal"
Susan Pomerantz for "Adrift"
Olivia Postelli for "Saint Kathleen"
James Prier for "The Gift"
Areej Quraishi for "The Loudest Voices"
Abhijith Ravinutala for "Definition(s)"
Rodrigo Restrepo for "Pluto in July"
Anda Rosmarin for "Kat at the Kitchen Sink"
Robert Rubinstein for "A Visit to the Venice Ghetto"
Sam Ruddick for "Marathon Woman, Partially Devoured"
Roger Salloch for "Sea Cliff"
Annesha Sengupta for "Shomudro"
B. Jeanne Shibahara for "The Story of Ms. Kawanishi"
SJ Sindu for "Banana Tree Wedding"
Christine Sneed for "The Swami Buchu Trongpa"
Hank Snelgrove for "Party Line"
Molly Sturdevant for "Louisa's Line"
Scott Thomason for "Never Eat Soggy Waffles"
Michael Varga for "Come, Listen to the Sun"
Caroline Vaughan for "The Switch Rule"
Marisel Vera for "How to Raise a Puerto Rican Girl"
James Walley for "The Power"
J. Jackson Waste for "Fireworks"
Charlene Wexler for "A Letter to My Parents"
Megan Williams for "Finding Frances"
Joyce Winslow for "Migration"
Christina Yang for "Falling"
Danielle Zaccagnino for "Sixness"
Brianna Zimmerman for "She Is an Orange Light"