Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Maureen Aitken for "Wishes"
Molly Anders for "Kindness in the Face of Tyranny"
Jena Chapman Andres for "Unter den Linden"
Luke Blue for "Brother"
Mia Caruso for "Gestation"
Kathy Conde for "This Is the Place Where It All Breaks Down: A Family Alphabet"
Theresa Corigliano for "Bowaköwa"
Denise Coville for "Fifteen Years of Hamster Guilt"
Patsy Creedy for "Burger"
Juliet Cushing for "The Thousand Steps"
Leah Damski for "Mrs. Siverstein"
Carla Diaz for "Archie's Proof"
Tammy Euliano for "An Unseen Border"
Amina Gautier for "Love Me Through a Hurricane"
John Gilder for "A Good Soul"
Amanda Hartzell for "What's There"
Abby Horowitz for "Last Act"
Nahal Jamir for "Girl, Upside-down"
Missy Ladygo for "King Street Station"
Marissa Levien for "How to Cook an Egg"
John Link for "The Hyacinth Girl"
Marisa Matarazzo for "NoArmsNoLegs"
Kailyn McCord for "My Munster"
Lucy McKeon for "And So I Began To Look"
Michelle Meyers for "In the Air"
Geri Modell for "Below Street Level"
Anna Moore for "Decision in Texas, 1994"
James Mullane for "Running Through the Rain"
L. O. Mura for "Vi: Pennsylvania, 1936"
April Nauman for "The TSA Inspected My Checked Bag"
Carolina Navarro-Gutierrez for "—Is the Water Pressure Low Again?"
Carol Pulitzer for "My Date with Rachel Maddow"
Aaron Schwartz for "All We'll Ever Be"
Cal Setar for "Colfax"
Marianne Shaneen for "The Post Card"
Sarah Sheehan for "This Is Just to Say"
Jessica Simpson for "East—West"
Josh Swiller for "Bridgette"
Tanya Ward for "Retrospective"
Elle Wild for "A Girl's Guide to the End of the World"
Elsa Williams for "The Widow"
Phoebe Wynne for "Photographs"
Sarah Yoon for "Breathe Again"