Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Peter Nathaniel Malae for "El Camino"
2nd-place winner:
Gregory Wolos for "Boy Strangling Goose"
3rd-place winner:
Chloe Higgins for "Things We Cannot Say"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Bryna Cofrin-Shaw for "Hospital, Hill"
Soma Mei Sheng Frazier for "Don't Give Up on Alan Greenspan"
David Gillette for "Coming Out Paco"
Ally Glass-Katz for "Why Were You Looking for Me, I Was Here the Whole Time"
Scott Gloden for "The Great American Everything"
Joel Gordon for "The Mark"
Sandra Jensen for "Now That You Are Here"
Hannah Johnson for "The Next One"
Samira Kawash for "Dreaming of China"
Erik Kongshaug for "Fire Island Next Time"
Adeline Koscher for "Because I Promised to Help: three generations"
Natalie McAllister for "Dangerous Weather"
Elijah Merrill for "Tiles"
Michael Minchin for "All Things, to the Ocean"
Kent Nelson for "A Journey into the Universe"
Zoe Pagonis for "Penelope's Moratorium on Dumbing Things Down"
Johnna Schmidt for "The Price of Rice"
Zack Slingsby for "An Exception for Family"
Terese Svoboda for "Hot Rain"
Lee Thomas for "And We'll All Go Together"
Isobel Wohl for "Your New Reptile"
Brian Zimbler for "Tell a Family Story"