Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Doc Ardrey for "WW II History Learned from Passing Trains"
Jessica Aue for "The Clouds"
Amber Bacon for "It Works If You Work It"
Liam Baranauskas for "An Italian Man Who Knows How to Dance"
Maggie Bausch for "The Flying Circus"
Sindya Bhanoo for "Return Trip"
Samir Bhimji for "Gaddha"
Margaret Blackstone for "Throwing Away the Shirt"
Pamela Bloomfield for "Everything's Related to Everything"
Emma Bogdonoff for "Lost and Found at the School of Forgetting"
R. L. Borde for "Figuring Things Out"
Molly Bradley for "All My Exes, Linked In"
Lucas Cardona for "Protest"
Joshua Carlson for "Nesting"
Rebecca Schmidt Castka for "Things We Have Not Said"
Sonya Chyu for "Sartorial Shedding"
Lynn Clark-Jones for "New England Earthquakes"
Noah Cooper for "Vegan Hospital"
David D'Ettore for "The Last Time I Saw My Father"
TM De Vos for "Blue Whale"
Rory Dreyfus for "Relatively Speaking, This Is a Happy Ending"
Helena Duncan for "The Table"
Julia Eagleton for "Setting a House on Fire"
Bennett Elliott for "Tuning"
JJ Elliott for "Horus"
Rachel Engelman for "The Incident at Rainbow Children Daycare"
Juliet Faithfull for "The Sloath"
Amy Fanning for "How to Lift a Fallen Harley"
Scott Gloden for "Antimatter"
Andrew Gray for "Haircut"
Theodore Green for "Gentlemen of a Dusty Country"
Dylan Grissom for "Below House"
Marshall Gu for "End of Eternity"
Richard Harfst for "The Wicker Queen"
Robert Hicks for "We Are Only Broken by the Sources of Things"
Frank Honeycutt for "Bus Number Six"
Pamela Huber for "The Middle Ground"
Jennifer Jenkins for "I Will Carry You"
Nick Kearns for "#otdope: Take Trips"
Michael Keen for "Shalom"
Karla Keffer for "Looking for Ethel"
A.K. Kenworthy for "The Unencumbered"
Doug Kiklowicz for "You're Going to Leave Me"
Kerry Koziell for "Jacob from the Sky"
Robin Littell for "In Utero"
Evan Lloyd for "Intact"
Genevieve Lovern for "Portland, Oregon, 1998"
Josh Mak for "Liu Makes a Run to Heaven"
Zachary Manning for "Reverse Polish Notation"
Annie Maroon for "Thanksgiving"
Kailyn McCord for "Whatever Martha She Becomes"
Anne McGovern for "I Am Here Because of the Lightning"
Nancy McWhorter for "Stopping Down"
Elle Napolitano for "On Any Monday"
Melissa Oliveira for "Barracuda"
Annie Osburn for "Of Course They Don't Let Her Near Me, The Fool Things I'd Tell Her"
Zoe Pagonis for "Drinking Problems"
Roseanne Pereira for "La-La Land"
Hunter Peterson for "God on the Train at Night"
Cat Powell for "Blues"
Lawrence Powers for "I Am Not a Well-Qualified Buyer"
Emily Prucha for "The Offering"
Robert Reece for "The Veblen Report"
Ryndan Riley for "Tell the Giants"
Sam Rosinsky for "Sour Be I"
Glenn Schiffman for "Nyama"
Cal Shook for "Willow River"
Sandra Sidi for "Yesterday We Were Unbroken"
Seth Slater for "Mal-function-ing"
Ernest Slyman for "South Holston River"
Eliza Smith for "Aftermath"
Hank Snelgrove for "Fomite"
Keith Stillman for "Snow Shoes"
Glenn Stowell for "Mound Visit"
Kenny Tanemura for "Saigon, Oklahoma"
Andrew Throdahl for "Good Strong Houses"
Geri Ulrey for "Dabby"
Caroline Vaughan for "Lost in Translation"
Wendy Walker for "Cabinet of Animals"
Marjorie Weinman for "Somewhere It Is 17"
Tom Wells for "Carolyn"
Brian Zimmerman for "The Lucky Ones"