Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Sarah Adleman for "The Ambiguous Death of My Father"
Senaa Ahmad for "The Glow-in-the-Dark Girls"
Kelly Aiello for "The Shortest Memoir of a Bipolar Girl"
Abigail Anklam for "The Great Avicide"
Kejana Ayala for "The Girl Who Bled into Time"
Sarah Banse for "Kids"
Theo Bark for "Trump Suite"
Virginia Barrett for "Candlelight"
Don Bartell for "Stop the Bleeding"
Meghann Bolton for "10,000 Steps"
Michelle Boone for "The Mathematician"
Elisabeth Bridges for "Louder Than Words"
Amelia Brown for "Mouse House"
Paola Bruni for "Magnitude"
Victoria Castells for "I'm Here, I'm Hispanic, and I Love You"
Tiffany Chacon for "Can't Sleep"
Scott Chai for "The Yellow Suit"
Veronica Ciastko for "The Pond"
Michael Cloud for "Now It's Later"
Kirk Combe for "One Evening"
Karolina Connolly for "Filigree of Scars"
David D'Ettore for "The Last Time I Saw My Father"
Adam Dalva for "Help Your Self"
Rebecca Davis for "A Kindness"
Lance Dyzak for "Plausible Explanations for Bodies"
Michael Ferro for "Headlands"
Matthew Fitch for "At Wexford Town"
Kathleen Furin for "Mountain Pose"
Jesse Goulard for "Bravo Down"
Roy Graham for "Death in the Enclosure"
Emma Grillo for "A Weightless Sort of Comfort"
Patrick Harig for "The Kids Aren't Alright"
Laura Haugen for "The Borne Atlas"
Daniel Hoffmann for "Chain and Sprocket"
Alexander Joseph for "Breakfast"
Annie Josey for "Little Washington"
Dori Kalthofer for "Bog Iron"
Jami Kimbrell for "My Mother Doesn't Swerve to Miss Like I Would"
Michael Kirshner for "Men on Benches"
Jourdan Lamse for "In the Land of Judah"
Kelsey Robbins Lauder for "The Killing"
Moises Maldonado for "Perspective from a Gamer Kid"
Benjamin Mangrum for "I'll Have Another"
Roger Mannon for "Outsider"
Scott Mashlan for "Mercy"
Ryan McFadden for "Santa Cruz, CA—1982"
Jason Miller for "A Better Place"
Franz Nicolay for "Non Fui, Fui, Non Sum, Non Curo"
Anthony Nolen for "Floating"
Joseph Norris for "Big Red"
Diana Odasso for "To the Dogs"
Emily Pegg for "North Facing"
Andrew Peters for "Felix Culpa"
Nektaria Petrou for "The Way to Baghdad"
Todd Petruska for "The Elephant"
Tuan Phan for "The Viet Kieu Casanova"
Susan Pomerantz for "Wishes"
Shevon Porter for "Resistance"
John Reed for "Rick"
Joshunda Sanders for "Fly"
Sean Satterthwaite for "then they drowned their dogs."
Ellen Schwed for "Tell Me, I Want to Know"
Rowena Singer for "Hush"
William Skelton for "Merciful Heavens"
Eric Smith for "Jesus in the Form of a Goat"
Patrick ten Brink for "The Taken"
Jordi Torres for "The Trouble With Walking"
Heidi Turner for "The Field"
Dieuwke van Turenhout for "Onye Mere Nwa Nebe Akwa (Who Made My Baby Cry)"
Judy Viertel for "The Queen of Somewhere"
Alec Villarreal for "Thales's Mask"
Megan Walsh for "We Drew This Picture of JonBenét"
Deke Weaver for "In the Future, On an Island, It Will Be Like Texas"
Erin Moon White for "Star Journey"
Cynthia Wood for "Housebound"
Johanna Wright for "Offering"
Rain Wright for "We Came Up the Hill"
Diane Yatchmenoff for "The Trouble with Strays"