Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Jennifer Adam for "Death and Vegetables"
Alexandra Alhadeff for "Under the Rainbow"
Roberta Allen for "Ava"
Nina Alonso for "Vanilla"
Joshua Amses for "Nadir Spectrum, Chicago"
David Anderson for "After Being Busted for Shoplifting"
Elysse Applebaum for "Pretty Bird"
Rebecca Aronauer for "B+ Sex"
Latifa Ayad for "Arabic Lesson"
Lauren Barnsdale for "The Existential Egg Crisis"
Elizabeth Barton for "It Will Only Hurt for a Second"
William Barton for "A Pear Tree"
Kathryn Bashaar for "Infamy"
Matthew Benson for "Go On and Go"
Cecily Berberat for "The Arborist"
Noah Bogdonoff for "A Good Mother"
Laura Bonazzoli for "Prayer of the Bell"
Christine Bothun for "Metamorphosis"
Paola Bruni for "Zero Flight"
Jennifer Burns for "A Modest Amount"
Laton Carter for "The People In Five & Six Parts"
Chuka Susan Chesney for "Hungry Momma"
Diana Clarke for "A Selection of Things that Release Dopamine"
Chloe Cole for "Knuckle and Nail"
Kathy Conde for "This Is the Place Where It All Breaks Down: A Family Alphabet"
Nicholas Cook for "The Eclipse"
Rachel Crapse for "Five Precepts in Thailand"
Jeff Cravens for "Last Phone Call"
Mojie Crigler for "More Questions in an Artificial Tongue"
Cathy Cruise for "Dreaming About the Bouviers"
Peter Devine for "Judy Grows Up"
Blair Donahue for "Colony"
Emily Duncan for "Down a Dirt Road"
Carolyn Eichhorn for "Stupidhead"
James English for "The Downstairs Bedroom"
Kris Faatz for "Fruits of Them that Sleep"
Kim Farrar for "A Week and Thirteen Years"
Deborah Forbes for "Ida, 1912"
Neil Gillespie for "Her Life's Sentences"
Roger Gottlieb for "Which?"
Brianna Handal for "The Boy with the Long Hair"
Nancy Scott Hanway for "The Fleet"
Elin Hawkinson for "Eve"
Margaret Hermes for "Long Time No See"
Victor Hess for "The Picture"
Jana Horn for "New Friend"
Esmé Howland for "Where Ghosts Live"
Andes Hruby for "Blood Loss"
Anna Hundert for "And the Sea"
Jayson Iwen for "Night Running"
Dakota James for "An Airplane Burning on the Stove"
Jennifer Jenkins for "Ambulance"
Stephen Graham Jones for "So This Is What It's Like"
Alexander Joseph for "A Parting Note"
Kalyn Josephson for "Paper Lake"
Sam Katz for "Object Permanence"
William Kee for "Starting Fires"
Matt Kessler for "Tori Spelling Ebola Scare"
Benjamin Kilgore for "Underneath the War"
Pamposh Koul for "The Fugue State"
Robin Littell for "Nebraska"
Niamh MacCabe for "To Memorise the Lark"
Conor Robin Madigan for "Unkind Words"
Christina Maile for "Iran Life 1: English Lessons"
Karen Mandell for "New Shoes"
Israela Margalit for "Stranger in the Night"
Paul Marx for "On the 11 Bus"
Natalie McAllister for "Your Baby Boy"
Kathryn McBride for "Pockets"
Josh McColough for "Meteor"
Anne McGovern for "Shark Boy"
Aeriel Merillat for "What They Mean When They Say They Love You"
Alice Miller for "After Marriage"
Grant Miller for "The 45th President of the United States and I Went to a Dance Party"
Robert Brian Mulder for "Our Lady of La Vang"
Conor Mulholland for "Static"
Kieran Mundy for "Sign Language"
Khaled Nagy for "Power"
Yoram Naslavsky for "In Class"
Troy Nethercott for "Dobbs"
Debra Nystrom for "Dream of the Subjunctive"
Whitney Ochoa for "The Cow"
Carmen Petaccio for "Commencement"
Isabel Phelps for "Cemetery"
Victor Phillips for "La Larga Búsqueda - The Long Search"
Michael Piafsky for "Sigma Sums"
Virginia Pye for "Cherry Pie"
Tonja Reynolds for "Life Is Now"
Joshua Rigsby for "Tom"
Duncan Ross for "Echoes"
David Saltzman for "Thing Is, You Just Don't Know"
Kurt Schmidt for "Wanting an Angelic Child"
Morgan Schulz for "Filament"
Elizabeth Sheedy for "Sunny-side Up"
Rachel Slager for "You Know I Love You"
Sawyer Smith for "My Subconscious Worries About You"
Peter Solet for "The Promised Land"
J. Spru for "Medicine Ball"
Hollin Stafford for "The Rowboat"
Milton Steinberg for "The Wheel"
Sowmya Suresh for "Oddly Irrelevant"
Juraj Szabo for "German Army, Russia"
Charity Tahmaseb for "Lucky"
Morgan Talty for "In a Jar"
Laura Taylor for "Ache"
Phil Tiso for "Plant Pimp"
Meg Tuite for "The World Gravitates Toward the Ditch"
Daniel Uncapher for "Funny Things"
Joel Wayne for "Yesterknot"
J. White for "Different Ways"
Kirk Wilson for "It's About Oliver"
Alexander Woodbury for "Black Olives and Hair Spray"
Myles Zavelo for "Other Men"