Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Zeynep Ozakat for "Moving From Istanbul"
2nd-place winner:
David Szucs for "Rhubarb and Pussy Willow"
3rd-place winner:
Jonathan Frith for "Meese's Father"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Thomas Andes for "A Quality of Mercy"
Jacob Appel for "Thieving in a Minor Key"
Natalie Bicknell for "Four White Horses"
Samantha Capps for "Barhopping with Bukowski"
Jennifer Davis for "Last Seen"
Christina Drill for "Toon"
Carrie Driscoll for "The Blanket Shawl"
Afsheen Farhadi for "Director of Disaster"
Meron Hadero for "Huey Lives"
Tamar Jacobs for "At Bay"
Ruth Joffre for "Margin Calls"
Cheri Johnson for "Crocus Hill"
Amy Knight for "Rescue"
Christopher Lukas for "The Tortoise, the Buck, and the Cat"
Louise Marburg for "The Truth About Me"
Sean McCarthy for "Render Unto Satan"
Melinda Misener for "Worth Saving"
Ankita Nayar for "Pipe-Cleaner Dreams"
Daniel Nazer for "Ducks"
Kent Nelson for "Private Turmoil"
Mark Pritchard for "Found Down"
Dorothy Reno for "Canada's Breakup Guide"
Stephanie Spector for "Milk"
Jessica Treadway for "Kwashiorkor"