JUNE 2014
Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Michael Varga for "Chad Erupts in Strife"
2nd-place winner:
Dana Kroos for "Things Buried in Snow"
3rd-place winner:
Christine Breede-Schechter for "Goodbye to All That (Or Not)"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Susan Agar for "I'm Right Here"
Amanda Emil Anderson for "365"
Jacob Appel for "Gable's Whiskers"
Emily Ashley for "Joe Camel and the Taking Theory"
Jason Brown for "Pinocchio's Dream"
Brianna Frentzko for "The Way of the World"
Kit Friday for "Rabbit, Rabbit"
Adam Gianforcaro for "An Afternoon in London"
Ingrid Hill for "Son of Bed & Breakfast"
Emily Jones for "Overwinter"
Andrew Lloyd-Jones for "Red Hat, Yellow Hat, Blue Hat, Green Hat"
Melanie Maksin for "How I Will Haunt You"
Alexandra Marshall for "Overdosing the Dog"
Elizabeth Moller for "Alice Is All Fucked Up"
N. West Moss for "Omeer's Mangoes"
Stefani Nellen for "Past Tense of Two"
Michael Nye for "The Time We Lost Our Way"
Michael Sakoda for "Where Do Bees Go in the Winter?"
Matthew Shaer for "The Survivor"
Rachel Swearingen for "How to Walk on Water"
Douglas Trevor for "The Book of Wonders"
Geoff Wyss for "Miles Gloriosus"