Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Barbara Ganley for "Language Lessons"
2nd-place winner:
Natalie McAllister for "That Old Mess"
3rd-place winner:
Michael Rosenbaum for "Daily Double"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Liz Appel for "The Order of Things"
Arielle Bernstein for "Pair Bond"
Ruth Blank for "If There Is No What"
David Cates for "Honduras Trip"
Cathy Cruise for "Love, Faith"
J I Daniels for "Goat Sucker"
Avital Gad-Cykman for "Crisscross"
Lisa Hadley for "Irreversible Things"
Aaron Hanna for "Toddlers Abroad"
John Heinz for "The Curious Incident of the Grapefruit Juice in the Morning-Time"
Matt P. Jager for "January 27, 1991"
Rachel Kash for "Marriage, In Short"
Amy Kurzweil for "A List of Names for Our First Born Child"
Chuck Lewis for "Homecoming"
Genevieve Lovern for "Portland, Oregon, 1998"
Katie Moulton for "Somebody Gets Hurt"
Melissa Valentine for "Evidence of Him"
Weike Wang for "Cul-de-Sac"
Elizabeth White for "The Children Are Wonderfully Socialized"
Sam Wilder for "Rag After Rag"
Caroline Zancan for "After"
Shuo Zhuang for "The Strings of the Heart"