JUNE 2013
Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Ivan Ang for "Metaphorai"
Jean Auerbach for "Jumping Buildings"
Aaron Austin for "Prodigal"
Squire Babcock for "Hearts on Fire"
Ken Baumann for "The Visit"
Jill Birdsall for "Eggshells"
Natalka Burian for "A Comet"
Joseph Celizic for "Invention of Door"
Douglas Cole for "Ganung Agung"
Tricia Currans-Sheehan for "Why I Can't Visit the PO Any Longer"
Mary Dunn for "Fly Boy"
Barbara Garren for "The Brazilian"
Caleb Guard for "Last Day in April"
Emerson Henry for "Skyline"
Rolaine Hochstein for "Juan Camilo's Dream"
Stela Jelincic for "The Alkar Duke"
Sara Lynn Knowles for "The Hotel Window"
Martin Langley for "D'Mazzio's Taste of Italy"
Jie-Hye Lee for "The Man of Purpose"
Tamara Letkeman for "White Noise"
Stan Pollakoff for "SweetPea Loves HoneyPoo"
Jonathan Sapers for "The Physiology of Heartbreak"
E.M. Schorb for "A Man of Conscience"
Claire Shearwood for "The Watch"
Mary Sojourner for "Cyndra"
Chris de Souza for "Spellblink"
Monica Strina for "The Art of Time"
Johnny Townsend for "Going Home"
An Tran for "A Clear Sky Above the Clouds"
Steven Tweddell for "It's Been a While, Walker Lee"
Siamak Vossoughi for "Closer"
Eric Wang for "A Prelude to Life as a Bird"
Marion de Booy Wentzien for "The Art of Disappearing"