Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Vi Khi Nao for "Herman and Margaret"
2nd-place winner:
David Lynn for "Divergence"
3rd-place winner:
Madhuri Vijay for "Hill Station"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Jacob Appel for "The Synagogue at the Edge of the Earth"
Josh Barkan for "The American Chef and El Chapo"
Tim Boiteau for "The Glass Tunnel"
Noel Carver for "Twin"
Michael Crossan for "Bone Dirt"
Victoria Engle for "Extinction"
Soma Mei Sheng Frazier for "Tomato"
Christian Garbis for "A Disintegrating Mind"
Sid Gustafson for "Lake People"
Calvin Haul for "List"
Steven Koteff for "Life During Cavetime"
Fabian Martinez for "If Then a Man"
Paul Michel for "Anything with Gold"
Amber Mosby for "Notes"
Rodney Nelsestuen for "Too Many Stones"
Randy Nelson for "The Book of Evening and Delight"
Ciriaco Offeddu for "S'infurcau, the Devil's First Move"
Mary Sojourner for "Great Blue"
Kim Stafford for "Quartet of Solitudes"
Philip Tate for "Pineville"
Ed Weyhing for "Holy Thursday"
Alex Wilson for "Omega"