Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Adaeze Akamigbo for "We Leave First Thing in the Morning"
Elizabeth Bellusci for "Betwixt"
Joe Bunting for "Rise and Anoint Him, This Is the One"
Karen Costa for "Charlie Shea"
Akwaeke Emezi for "The Thing From Under Her Tongue"
David Englander for "Rock Stars"
Jason Ferguson for "Snow Day"
Jared Fowler for "Reasons"
Kait Heacock for "Siblings"
Almasi Hines for "Women and Men"
Robert Hodgson for "After the Tornado"
Peter Hoppock for "Points Off the Bench"
Kristen Koester-Smith for "Lost in Space"
Karen Kovacs for "A Good Place for Honey"
Georgia Lee for "Ice"
Bonnie Lubin for "It's Okay Sawa"
Deirdre Mask for "The Old Eggs"
Lori McNulty for "If on a Winter's Night, a Badger"
Spencer Nadler for "An Unexpected Death"
Crispin Oduobuk for "The Unfathomable Magnetism of the Resident in Room 12"
Neal Paris for "Harm's Way"
Eric Parker for "Bob Bradford's Catalogs"
Anne Piessens for "The Big One"
Benjamin Reed for "Windows"
Michael Rice for "The Places We Leave/The Things That Replace Us"
Paula Root for "Temporary"
Caty Sacco for "From Here"
Alicia Schaeffer for "Piano Night"
Wendy Schoua for "El Cruce"
Jennifer Sears for "Princess of Cairo"
Matthew Shaer for "Life Among the Living"
Lekeisha Sheikh for "Literally"
Chelsea Sutton for "The Tick and the Tocking"
Michael Tasker for "Enough for a Stranger"
Andrew Tybout for "The Weight"
Anita Voris for "What the Doctor Said"