Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
H. G. Carroll for "Leche"
2nd-place winner:
Malena Watrous for "Gomi"
3rd-place winner:
Hester Kaplan for "Companion Animal"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Lisa Buchanan for "The Light"
Catherine Callahan for "Sister Cities"
William J. Cyr for "Boring Beezhold's Final Field Trip"
Laurence de Loose for "Berlin Station"
Julia Fierro for "The Girl Who Walked on Water"
Pete Fromm for "Playground"
Susan Gilbert-Collins for "Dreams about Her Mother"
Michael Haynes for "The Swimmers"
Andrew Jen for "Pig's Flight"
Karen Kovacik for "Going to Lvov"
Min Jin Lee for "Axis of Happiness"
Blaise Maccarrone for "Sum of Parts"
Paul Michel for "Nor Dark of Night"
Eric Puchner for "Mission"
Kurt Rheinheimer for "What Went Wrong"
Sari Rose for "The Daughter of Retail"
Genoa Shipley for "Untitled (Woman in a Café)"
Christopher S. Tolley for "The Red Fox"
Danielle Trussoni for "The Pearl of the Orient"
Sergio Waisman for "A Philadelphia Suburb in the Rain"
Andrew S. Wolfe for "Starfishing"
Melissa Yancy for "Stray"