Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Robin Winick for "Cosgrove's Dilemma"
2nd-place winner:
Lee Upton for "The Worm Belongs to the Apple"
3rd-place winner:
J. Alicia Shank for "Every Happy Family"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Maureen Aitken for "Rise"
Jennifer Dunning Baker for "Forget-me-not Blue"
Judith Barrington for "Making Waves"
S. I. Cardelus for "Bronxville, Late January 1999"
Audrey Colombe for "Wanting, Getting, Having"
Annie Dawid for "Native to Nothing"
Beth Goldner for "The Prayer Tree"
Andee Hochman for "Help Will Arrive Soon. Do Not Attempt to Climb Out."
Rene Houtrides for "Osteology"
Ana June for "The Unraveling of Jose"
Ariana-Sophia Kartsonis for "After the Candy House, An Epistolary Story"
Wendi Kaufman for "Life Above Sea Level"
Victoria Lancelotta for "Vocabulary"
Sherry Landers for "I Love You"
Steve Lautermilch for "Wings"
Kate Ledger for "Traif"
Molly McNett for "The Bottle"
Michael K.Meyers for "I'm Relaxed, But It's Not"
Lorin Oberweger for "The Barn"
Amy Ramsden for "CQ"
Heather Sellers for "Disney in Flames"
Gregory Spatz for "That Kind of Man"